Your 2021 Flourish Factor

Happy 2021!

It’s January again! Happy New Year! Any day is truly a day to start over. But isn’t there just so much hope in a new calendar year? I have found that as much fun as it is to plan for the future, it’s just as important to reflect and know where you find yourself today. To get where you want to get, it’s helpful to know where you’re starting!

I also just celebrated my 38th birthday. Gulp. Another milestone and time to “reflect.” On your birthday, are you someone who slips into gauging your life progress in a negative, comparing way, or a person who looks around and sees all the awesomeness of your life? Either choice is always readily available to us, isn’t it? I try to choose the latter, especially looking at where I’ve found myself through the eyes of “younger me.” We’ll see if that holds true when I hit the milestone 4-0 though. 😅

Who and What is The Flourish Factor in 2021?

So as a fun little update, read on to learn a little more about the “who” and “what” of The Flourish Factor this year!


First the “Who.” That’s me. I’m Alison. I’m 38 years old, if you missed it. 👵🏼

Current Titles: Wife of 1, Mom of 2, Life Coach, Writer, Course Creator, Retail Business Owner, Consultant.

Hobbies: All things self-development and psychology, music, writing, humor, adventure.

Couldn’t live without: Music. And coffee & Jesus. Not necessarily in that order. 🤷🏼‍♀️

Guilty Pleasure: Impractical Jokers. I’ve seen every episode. 😳🤣

Fears: I eat fear for breakfast. Also, my headphones somehow disconnecting and everyone at the gym hearing my crazy workout playlist. #philcollins

Something weird about me: Everything.

Super Power: Not following - or being aware of - social rules, going from 0 to 100 for something I want, etc. See: contacting celebrities, billionaires, etc. on the regular as if they’re my friends. See also: a miles-long list of embarrassing but hilarious stories.

Favorite Quote: “When you feed your fears, your world shrinks a little.” -Dr. Heather Rose-Carlson

Pet Peeve: 4-way stops in northern Minnesota. YOU WERE HERE 2 MINUTES BEFORE ME! WHY ARE YOU WAVING ME THROUGH?! 😜

Things that make me cry: Dancing with the Stars. Every time. 😂

Favorite online course: “Declutter Your Mind.” 😉


Now a little of the “What” of The Flourish Factor!

Meaning: Your “Flourish Factor” is the term I coined to describe the elements that make you…YOU! Your authentic self. Your uniqueness. Because the thing that really makes us flourish is when we are living into that most true version of ourselves.

Logo: I chose the lotus flower as my logo, because of what it represents. I once came across this quote: “Like a lotus flower, we too have the ability to rise from the mud, bloom out of the darkness and radiate into the world.” 🌸

Services: In 2021, while continuing to write and share everything I learn on my journey through life, here are a few other things you can get from The Flourish Factor this year:

  • Declutter Your Mind! My first online course launched January 1st (THANK YOU to all who jumped in)! I plan to continue to refine this course, and possibly add some more to my online catalog!

  • A Deeper Way: Did you know that I am a certified facilitator in one of the newest, most all-encompassing personality assessments around? A Deeper Way was created by two amazing psychologists in my home state of Minnesota. It has taught me so much about myself that I wasn’t previously able to put into words, and has greatly helped the people I work with as well! Contact me if you’d like to give it a whirl!

  • Consulting/Copywriting: I currently help some very fine organizations in the role of copywriter and marketing consultant! My favorite is helping organizations take some of their more complex products or services and make their message more comprehensible and accessible for their perfect target audience. “Your message is just as important as your product.” - Me

  • Coaching: I’m always open for one-on-one coaching, and hoping to add some “Flourish Fests” or in-person fun group meet-ups to my 2021 calendar! Think pop-up mini retreats where self-help meets wine tasting. 😎

  • Again, always writing: You may have noticed that I’m very Taylor Swift when it comes to my blog: I write about my own personal experiences. Just not necessarily ex-boyfriends. Yet. 😮

New Ideas: Each year I like to explore and dabble in something new that interests me. This year, I’m really into the concept of and psychology behind Intuitive Eating. Are you into this?! I’d love to hear from you! I’ve also been working on my first podcast since I got a TalkGirl in 1992. My sister can attest to being my forced guest 289 times. Time to make it official, don’t ya think?!

Thanks for being part of this journey with me (said in best Chris Harrison voice). Let’s make 2021 an awesome year! I am always open to feedback regarding what you’re looking for, what’s helpful to you, what’s not, and anything in between!

Alison 😊

Alison Crotteau